Can't Sleep? Technology Can Be Your Friend

If you are a regular reader of our blog, you might have noticed a common theme: Getting good, uninterrupted sleep is important . And if you've ever struggled with sleeping well, you know from experience how important it is. When you consistently lose sleep, your physical and mental health suffers. This is where advancements in technology can be your friend.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, there are myriad ways through smart technology and various sleep devices that can help you on your path to consistent and deep sleep every night.

The Smart Mattress
You've heard of smartphones, but did you know there was such a thing as a smart mattress? Through sensors that are embedded into the mattress, your sleep will become a tailored experience. Depending on how your weight is distributed on the mattress along with your sleep position, the sensors adjust in firmness levels. Other smart mattress features may include silent air pumps to inflate or deflate the mattress for added softness or firmness, manual as well as automatic pressure adjustment, temperature regulation including warming your mattress before you get in bed, massage and wave action, and side-specific adjustment allowing different firmness levels depending on who is sleeping on what side of the bed. Stop in our store to try our SmartLife mattress.

The Sleep Tracker
If you are trying to figure out what is going on while you are sleeping (or thinking you are sleeping), a sleep tracker app or gadget can be incredibly helpful. You can input information and the tracker can also monitor aspects when you are asleep. After giving the tracker enough information, you'll get feedback and tips on how to improve your sleep.

Smart Bulbs and other Light Technology
Beyond the comfy sleep mask you will receive from Fosters Mattress when your mattress is delivered, you can also control the amount of light that occurs in your space as well as when to have light through advanced technology in this arena. The latest is a smart bulb that will gradually fade or get brighter, depending on if you are trying to fall asleep or gradually wake up. These bulbs are sold in different hues to help with the time of day you are sleeping or waking. In addition, you can use your smartphone or another voice-assisted device to control your lights wirelessly.

Other Helpful Sleep Technology
  • Noise Machine: To drown out distracting noise and/or create a steady noise for calm relaxation.
  • Air Purifier: To remove harmful air contaminants that affect your sleep.
  • Smart Pillow: Yes, smart pillows are a thing. You can track your sleep habits as well as have built-in speakers that only you can hear to stream whatever will help you get better sleep.
  • Sleep Headband: For generating audio tones to enhance deeper sleep along with an app that tracks and measures sleep.
  • Bed Sensor Pad: Identify sleep habits and connect with activity trackers.

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